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Adventures planned by expert travel writers


Walking holidays

→Culture and history based trips

→Campervan road trip itineraries

Why use our travel planner

→Save you hours of research

→Save you some cash

→In depth planning

→Expertise in the areas offered

→Fully flexible itineraries

→Trail details (if applicable)

Our experience

We are Niké and Jacint, authors of several walking guidebooks. As a result of researching and writing our guidebooks we have become quite knowledgeable about the places our guidebooks cover. So consequently, we would like to share our passion for travel and adventure via our guidebooks and by helping to create your travel itineraries. Most importantly our aim is to inspire you and to help plan your next trip to some of the destinations we have become to know so well. And finally, we support sustainable tourism and would like to encourage everyone to leave as little a footprint on your travels as possible.

Camí dels Bons Homes (GR107)

R. L. Stevenson Trail (GR70)




Catalan Pyrenees


"I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move."                        Robert Louis Stevenson

Our Guidebooks

Trekking the Camí dels Bons Homes

Camí dels Bons Homes front cover

15 Short Walks in the South Downs

South downs guidebook

Catalunya-Girona Pyrenees

Walking in Catalunya - Girona Pyrenees

15 Short Walks in the Surrey Hills

15 short walks in the Surrey Hills

Walking in Cyprus

Walking in Cyprus guidebook

Walking in the Algarve

Algarve guidebook

Trekking the Robert Louis Stevenson Trail

Trekking the Robert Louis Stevenson trail


Walking in Catalunya-Barcelona

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